Fear Factor
no info available.Start: 2025-03-12-170000
end: 2025-03-12-210000
Fear Factor
Each contestant will be asked to eat two boiled buffalo testicles in 4 minutes. Each contestant will be harnessed and raised by crane. Each contestant will sit in the front seat of a car as the car is lowered by crane to the same depth of water.Start: 2025-03-12-194536
end: 2025-03-12-204536
Fear Factor
Each contestant will be dragged behind a horse. Contestant will enter a elevator shaft and will be covered by approximately 400 rats. One at a time each contestant will sit in the front seat of a car as the car is raised by crane over 100 feet in the air.Start: 2025-03-12-204536
end: 2025-03-12-214536
Fear Factor
no info available.Start: 2025-03-12-210000
end: 2025-03-13-010000