The King of Queens
Carrie sees her dream of living in the city coming true when an apartment becomes available in Manhattan.Start: 2025-03-12-213000
end: 2025-03-12-220000
Realizing she has been a waitress longer than she intended, Christy moves toward a career change; Bonnie and Alvin try to revisit their youth.Start: 2025-03-12-220000
end: 2025-03-12-223000
The Plunkett household is rocked by an unexpected death.Start: 2025-03-12-223000
end: 2025-03-12-230000
The death of a loved one causes Bonnie to behave badly - leaving Christy scrambling to do damage control.Start: 2025-03-12-230000
end: 2025-03-12-233000