Hoarding: Buried Alive
A woman and her out of control obsession with bikinis, sweaters and dresses.Start: 2025-03-12-200000
end: 2025-03-12-210000
Hoarding: Buried Alive
A mother tries to protect her children from their father's hoard; an artist chooses frog, penguins and banana peels over her boyfriend.Start: 2025-03-12-210000
end: 2025-03-12-220000
Body Parts
Allison Vest gives a rare glimpse into the world of anaplastology as she creates prosthetics for people with missing body parts; she helps a man who lost his nose, a woman born without an ear and a cancer survivor seeking new nipples.Start: 2025-03-12-220000
end: 2025-03-12-230000
Body Parts
A mother who lost her hands to sepsis dreams of one day holding her son again; the aftermath of a car accident has Daniel turning to Allison for a fresh start; an old patient returns after her pet mistakes her prosthetic ear for a chew toy.Start: 2025-03-12-230000
end: 2025-03-13-000000