A group of single black females from different walks of life who bond over their one common thread: why am I single.Start: 2025-03-12-203000
end: 2025-03-12-213000
Ke Zaka
We discuss financial literacy and document the lives of groups who belong to institutions like stokvels, looking at their financial obstacles and opportunities.Start: 2025-03-12-213000
end: 2025-03-12-220000
Blue Gold
From activists, scientists, farmers, to fishermen, On #BLUEGOLD we meet ordinary people who put water at the focus of their everyday activities. Investigating just what has happened to our water.Start: 2025-03-12-220000
end: 2025-03-12-230000
Full View
The show also features 30 minutes of market sense in-depth.Start: 2025-03-12-230000
end: 2025-03-13-020000